Rédaction anglaise sur les habits de marque
In the world there are three categories of persons:
There are the persons who love brand name clothes; they’re for brand name clothes.
These peoples said that brand name clothes are good because with them you look clean and smart. It is important to belong in a group. They think they are also good quality that’s why they are expensive. Some persons who belong in this category buy brand name clothes just because they want the people are thinking that they have a lot of money and they like this. Other peoples think that brand name clothes are a way to express our personality and that’s a means of expression because there are a lot of brand name clothes and there are a brand for our personality. I think that for the majority of the people like me who wear brand name clothes that’s because they are more beautiful or because they are more comfortable than uniforms. Uniforms are stopping originality whereas with brand name clothes you can buy tee shirt with a pink rabbit on them, that is the originality! But there are other brand name clothes, more serious to be respected.
I think that some peoples wear brand name clothes because they are beautiful and others because for them it is a lifestyle.
There are persons who can’t stand brand name clothes. They are against brand name clothes.
They think that to wear brand name clothes hide our interior beauty and our personal expression. They said that brand name clothes. They say that brand name clothes are too expensive and they aren’t always of good quality and the problem is that bullying peoples are attracted by brand name clothes because they are expensive.
Brand name clothes form some groups who look down on the people who don’t wear brand name clothes. If you wear brand name clothes you have less chances to have some real friends than a person who doesn’t wear brand name clothes because they like you for your clothes and