Sujet bac 2007 serie es
Ces éléments de correction n’ont qu’une valeur indicative. Ils ne peuvent en aucun cas engager la responsabilité des autorités académiques, chaque jury est souverain.
Durée : 3 heures – Coefficient 3
L’usage des calculatrices et de tout dictionnaire est interdit.
Barème appliqué pour la correction Compréhension écrite Expression 10 points 10 points
Abridged and adapted from March, Geraldine Brooks, 2005
Corrigé Bac 2007 – Série ES – LV1 Anglais – Métropole
1. Grace, Mr. March, Augustus Clement are characters in the story. a) Which one is the narrator? The narrator is Mr March. b) How are the other two related? Grace is a slave who belongs to Mr Clement.
2. In whose house does the scene take place ? The scene takes place in Mr. Clement’s house.
3. In what part of the US is the scene set? The scene is set in the South of the United States. Quote two elements from the text to justify your answer. Line 1 “the tall slave named Grace” Line 8 “some of the plantation homes” Line 48 “we in the South” Lines 50-51 “I envy your bustiling Northern cities”
4 True or False? Justify your answer each time with a quotation from the text. The narrator a) is an elderly person. False. Line 28 “one of you [young men]” Line 39 “a young man in my circumstances” b) feels welcomed. True. Lines 4-5 “I was pleased at the chance for a hot wash.” Line 53 “Mr. Clement, sir, it would be my very great pleasure.” Accepter lines 1-2 “asked if I would like a ewer of warm water” et line 43 “so why don’t you make yourself free of the library. Do us the honor of taking dinner here” c) gets a favourable impression of the house. True. Line 9 “it was perfect in proportion and exquisite in appointments.” Questions 5 and 6. Focus on the passage from line 1 to line 29. 5. a) Which room do the two men meet