Difference entre la france et les etats unis

1792 mots 8 pages
There was a time where it seemed to be clear that the development of international exchanges, of all natures, combine with the progressive modernization of economy, politic, and social of the planet, was going to create an obliteration of the differences between the cultures. Some were grieved, with the ideas that their rich traditions, customs, language would be lost in an afflicting uniformity, symbolized by the jeans and Coca Cola. Others were happy to see that a source of division, conflict and sometimes a hate, was about to disappear. Today the effect of the globalization reveled much more complicated. Indeed entire part of the human cultural patrimony seems to be doomed to disappear. But simultaneously, the affirmation of the particularism has never been so strong.
The first aspect is in relation with the diversity of language, music, costums, architectures, mœurs, which traditionally distinguished the inhabitants from different country or area.
-Un premier aspect a trait à la diversité des langues, des musiques, des costumes, des architectures, des mœurs, qui distinguaient traditionnellement les habitants de telle vallée, les membres de telle tribu ou de telle province, éléments que les ethnologues tentent de recueillir pieusement, et parfois de mettre dans des musées, avant qu’il ne soit trop tard.

The second aspect is link by the sharing of an identity by a groups where the members consider themselves as different from others, because they transmit an other history, heir of others ancestors, real or mytic: Serbe and Croate, Hutus and Tutsis. Those differencies are the motor of violents conflict
-Un deuxième aspect relève d’identités partagées par des groupes dont les membres se considèrent comme différents des « autres », parce que porteurs d’une autre histoire, héritiers d’autres ancêtres, réels ou mythiques, identités associées à un nom, brandi comme un drapeau : Hutus et Tutsis, Flamands et Wallons, Serbes et Albanais. Loin de s’émousser, ces

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