Systeme is littleendien
User directory: C:\Users\LAURENT/.xmoto
Data directory: C:\xmoto-0.5.1-win32
XmDb version is 31
SiteKey: 200907261427204918823
Locales set to 'French_France.1252' (directory 'locale')
Wanted resolution: 1440x900 (32 bpp)
GL: GeForce 8400M G/PCI/SSE2/3DNOW! (NVIDIA Corporation)
GL: using ARB_vertex_buffer_object
GL: using EXT_framebuffer_object
GL: using ARB_fragment_shader/ARB_vertex_shader/ARB_shader_objects
Resolution: 1440x900 (32 bpp)
Loading theme from file C:\Users\LAURENT/.xmoto/Themes/t1.xml
** Warning ** : long query time detected (0.375'') for query 'SELECT a.id_level AS id_level, MIN(a.name) AS name, MIN(c.finishTime+0), MIN(b.finishTime+0) FROM (SELECT b.id_level AS id_level, xm_lvlUpdatedToTxt(a.isAnUpdate) || ": " || b.name AS name, UPPER(b.name) AS sort_field FROM levels_new AS a INNER JOIN levels AS b ON a.id_level=b.id_level) AS a LEFT OUTER JOIN webhighscores AS b ON (a.id_level = b.id_level AND b.id_room=1) LEFT OUTER JOIN profile_completedLevels AS c ON (a.id_level=c.id_level AND c.id_profile="CHAFUME40") GROUP BY a.id_level ORDER BY MIN(a.sort_field) ASC;'
UserInit ended at 17.816
** Warning ** : long query time detected (0.280'') for query 'SELECT count(1) FROM (SELECT a.id_level FROM (SELECT a.id_level AS id_level, MIN(a.name) AS name, MIN(UPPER(a.name)) AS sort_field FROM levels AS a LEFT OUTER JOIN stats_profiles_levels AS b ON (a.id_level=b.id_level AND b.id_profile="CHAFUME40") LEFT OUTER JOIN weblevels AS c ON a.id_level=c.id_level LEFT OUTER JOIN levels_blacklist AS d ON (a.id_level = d.id_level AND d.id_profile="CHAFUME40") WHERE d.id_level IS NULL AND (c.crappy IS NULL OR xm_userCrappy(c.crappy)=0) AND (c.children_compliant IS NULL OR xm_userChildrenCompliant(c.children_compliant)=1) GROUP BY a.id_level, b.id_profile HAVING MAX(b.nbCompleted+0) = 0 OR MAX(b.nbCompleted+0) IS NULL) AS a INNER JOIN stats_profiles_levels AS b ON a.id_level=b.id_level