swot redbull
Strength Weaknesses
- Expansion of range for new market
- Expansion of target: women
- Extension of market because the regulatory changes - Lost market share
- Government politics: limited selling
- Damage for the health
- Young fidelisation it’s difficult
- Competitors have low prices
- Consumers behavior change: natural tendancy
Opportunity Threats
- World leader of energy drink
- Notoriety and engagment of brand
- Strong events
- Communication multi canal
- Expansion of range for new market
- Expansion of target: women
- Innovation - Riskier behavior for consumers
- Composition of product
Marketing activities
Advertising Allow the line: TV, press, cinema
Advertising below the line: web, derivative product, car can
Public relation: sponsoring (extreme sport), world series, red bull academy, red bull university, the red bulletin, web tv, videogames
Sells promotion: animation in selling point, “wings team”, regular contest, sampling
I = 95% -> (t) = 2
I = 99% -> (t) = 2.7
I =90% -> (t)= 1.5
e =± t* √((P*q)/n) n = (t²*p*q)/e² q = (1-p) p + q = 1
Exercice 1
Un échantillon comporte 2500 individu (population n = 2500)
I = 95% P = 0.5 calculer l’erreur e avec p =0.5% et I = 95% donc t = 2
2) e = 2% ; p=0.5 calculer la taille n ; p=0.5 I= 95%
3) e= 4% p= 0.5 calculer n ; p = 0.5 I = 95% Corrigé :
1) e = ± 2 * √((0.5*0.5)/2500) =2√0.001 = 0.02 = 2%
2) n = (2² * 0.5 * 0.5) /0.02² = 2500
3) n = (2² * 0.5 * 0.5) / 0.04²= 625.
Lorsque divise par 2 l’erreur donc je multiplie la population n*4
Exercice 2 :
1) L’erreur e = ± 2 √((0.5*0.5)/150) deux probabilités donc p= 0.5 et q = 0.5 e = ± 8.16
2) Donc l’intervalle se situe entre [80-8 ; 80+8 ] = [72 ; 88] : Je ne lance pas le gâteau car la non satisfaction se situe entre 72 et 88, je vais donc modifier la composition de mon gâteau.
On établit une liste classée de la population de base si N est la taille de la population de