Protest song
« It isn’t nice » is the title of the Malvina Reynolds’ song realized in 1964. Songs have always been a means of expression. Here, Malvina Reynolds tries to make think about a strong thought: the segregation in 60’s in USA. So, we are going to talk, first, about the initial problem with the singer, the context and what she asks. Then, about the protest that is the attempts (before and now) and the effects.
First, Malvina Reynolds is folk singer who lived in USA during the segregation it’s referring to the line 25 “years of lynching”. Even if we can trust that it’s a black woman, Malvina is an activist white woman who defends the equality between white and black people. She tries to make a message pass with this song where she describes all actions of protestations.
So, the problem raised here, is, indeed, the Segregation. The racial segregation is the physical separation of the different colored persons in the activities which they usually exercise. Like eating, going to the restaurant, drinking some water to a fountain… We guess that by the reference to “Mr. Charlie”. The singer asks to the white people who are pro-segregationist to change their minds. We quote that thanks’ to the pronouns “you” and “we” that refer to the pro-segregationists and the activists.
Then, the singer talks about a lot of attempts, to make react American people. Line 1 “to block the doorways”, line 9 “carry banners”, line 10 “sit on the floor”, line 11 “ shout our cry of freedom”, and line 17 “we have tried negotiations”. All the actions show the will to change of these actionists. And we can see that all actions are pacifistic but the issue is line 2 “the jail”. So, now the attempt is to sing to make the difference. Even if the effects are similar: to denounce, to help, and to try to make think people about the stupidity of segregation in the 20th century. To conclude, Malvina Reynolds thanks to her guitar song supports the civil rights movements,