Reintegration, support and follow up strategy For my presentation, I chose to talk about a follow up program named Reintegration, support and follow up strategy that I developed for the personnel deployed on an operational task. When I started to work for DND, my first task was to develop this program. At this time, no help program existed for the reservists who return from an operational task. The aim of this program is to ensure that the member have a good level of reintegration into his life in Canada. In addition, the program serves to determine the degree of assistance personnel requires. I work with the helping peer support concept. In my mind, helping peer is the best way to approach a military that has difficulties. A military is often the best way to understand another military in his proper language and reality. The follow up has 4 stages: The first stage arrives 2 monthsafter the military came back to Canada. At this time, the individual follow up begins. This follow up helps to evaluate the member’s actual needs. The second stage arrives 4 monthsafter homecoming. This follow up has the same goals that the 2 months but, the family is involves. The helping peer contacts the member’s family to obtain information on how well he or she is integrating with the family. The third and the fourth arrive at 7 and 12 monthsafter homecoming. The last follow up serves to evaluate the level of reintegration and the helping peer must determine if the follow up can be finish. Situation I remember: Ten years ago, when I develop this program, the mentality was different. Problem of mental help was more taboo. I remember my first presentation. I was in Valcartierand I met a group of militaries who returned from Bosnia. During my speech, a Mcplsaid: “mental disorders don’t exist in Canadian Forces. Military is training to do anything in all conditions and a person who has problem doesn’t have a place in Canadian Forces. For him, my program was