Marché financier

1126 mots 5 pages

“Towns and regions”

Euro-Mediterranean 1st Festival

Event Description

I) Objectives

The knowledge and the exchange of experience between the Mediterranean periphery’s cities and regions which are alike constitute a way of linking up the nations and cultivate the Mediterranean citizenship.

The Mediterranean, the cradle of civilizations, is more than a commercial exchanges’ space, it is also a meetings, exchanges and creativity space, and this should be a peace, tolerance and blossoming area of its different citizens as well.

These nations that, as distant time passes, have been mixed by the multiple immigration’s waves in different senses and forms, wish nowadays to keep, enrich and intensifier the common values.

It is in this context and, on the edge of year 2009, that the Algerian Forum for Citizenship and Modernity (FACM), intends to organise with its international partners (COPPEM, CGLU, CGLUA, OVA, ALDA*) and local (Miniseries, organisms, local communities, etc…) the cities and regions Euro- Mediterranean 1st Festival.

*COPPEM: Permanent committee for the Euro-Mediterranean partnership; CGLUA African United local cities and governments; CGLU United local cities and governments; OVA Arab towns’ organisations; ALDA Local democracy agencies’ association.
This festival intends to be renewed each year into one of the Mediterranean countries, aiming at:

- Encouraging the interaction and exchange between the Mediterranean’s civilizations and cultures ; - Promoting the cities and regions in the tourist, cultural and artistic field; - Contributing to the economical, cultural and human resources‘ development of the Mediterranean cities and regions; - Encouraging the youngsters’ participation whatever they are students, artists or entrepreneurs in the festival’s activities; - Working for the continuity of the Mediterranean’s two shores to lean on common values and encourage them to manage their

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