India's short story
India, officially the Republic of India is a country in South Asia formed by the bulk of the former British India. This is a country bordering Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Burma. India is a federation of states, each with a parliament and a government. There are twenty-eight states, six territories, and the capital territory of Delhi .
It is the seventh-largest country, the second-most populous country (with over 1.18 billion people), and the most populous democracy in the world.
India is the second most populous country after China.Twenty-three official languages are recognized but the two official languages are the Hindi and English. For nearly 2 centuries, India was an important part of the British Empire before gaining its indepedence in 1947. At the same time, boards of trade French and Portuguese are present in the Indian Territory, which will be made a few years after independence. After centuries of poverty and having struggled to grow, the country has grown significantly over the past fifteen years, particularly through the beginning of the demographic transition and reforms launched in 1991.
Today India is one of the major emerging powers of China beside Russia and Brazil. She is currently the fourth largest economy in purchasing power parity, behind China. There 's many religions in India. The main religions in India are Hinduism (79.8%) and Islam (13.7%). There are also Jains (0.5%), Sikhs (2.1%), Zoroastrians (Parsis), Buddhists (0.8%), Jews and Christians (2.5%) The culture of India is very complex because it is a mix of many different cultures, different religions and that is what makes the singularity of this country and the mentality of openness of Indian people. Indian cuisine is extremely diverse in different regions, communities, religions or families, and often includes many spices ground and mixed into sets called masalas.
Spices and methods vary from region to region. Rice and