Exemples oral langue de complément
| |department for transport in 2003, in the United Kingdom. It is an official document. |
| |Firstly, we can see at the foreground in the middle, a huge road sign with a message. This traffic |
| |sign is put up on a post and it is red. In the background we can discern, with difficulties, a street|
| |and a crosswalk. At the bottom, there is another message and in the right corner a logo : « THINK |
| |! ». |
| |On the one hand, the first message is composed of two mixed up sentences. The first sentence is in |
| |black and the second in white. Separately, we can read « you're four times more likely to have a |
| |crash when you're on a mobile phone » and « It's hard to concentrate on two things at the same |
| |time ». |
On the other hand, the second message is a legal information about the laws, the driving licence and the penalty if somebody is taken in the act of using a cell phone when he's driving. The penalty is to three penalty points on the licence and to £ 60.
Furthermore, the aim of this document is to make people aware of the real