The Aborigines came to Australia from Asia in prehistoric times. They were divided into 600 trives, each with its own language and territory. The were herded into reservations and forced to live off government handouts, if they weren't killed first. Moreover, thousands of Aboriginal children were taken from their families and brought up in settlers' home. Today, the Aboriginal people total 270 000, out of a population of 18 million. Two thirds live in towns and cities. Many others live in the outback or brush country (rural and far-off areas), and some still have a traditional way of life.
A majority of them are at the bottom of the social ladder. Unemployment and poverty rates are tge highest in Australia. They often live in miserable conditions, without basic services like electricity and running water and also suffer from endemic alcoholism.
Howecer, since the 1980s, the Aborigines have brought their story and culture to public attention. The whole Australian comminuty has finally become aware of the Aboriginal people's dreadful situation and the necessity to grant land rights and respect their cultural traditions.
Aboriginal religion is based on a system of beliefs known as the Dreamtime. Man is part of the earth, which was created by the « dreams » of our ancestors. These dreams are myths that tell the story of every rock, strem, tree and animal. These Dreamtime creatures also created man and other present-day animals