Data about the environment
Introduction …...................................................................................... p.3 1/ Data ….................................................................................... p.4 2/ Mean ….................................................................................. p.6 3/ Median …............................................................................... p.8 4/ Mode ….................................................................................. p.9 5/ Histograms, bar charts and scatterplots …............................. p.10 6/ Standard deviation …............................................................. p.14 7/ Analysis of variance ….......................................................... p.16
Conclusion …....................................................................................... p.18
The protection of the environment becomes a major stake for all the developed countries. So we will see if France, Sweden, Spain and Belgium, which are neighbours European countries, had made an effort for the environment during these ten last years. In order to realize this study, we will speak about the evolution of the population in these countries, then we will see if these populations begin to use renewable energies, if the consummation of CO2 and the consummation of water slow down in these countries and to finish we will speak about the money which is dedicate at the environment by these European countries. These datum are analysed from 1998 to 2007. I think that with these four type of data, we have a range of all the matters which are concerned by the environment: we speak about the water, the atmosphere, the energy and the investment for protecting the environment.
1/ Data.
Like I said previously, this work is based on four type of data : the electricity resulting from renewable energies, the greenhouse gas emissions, the total takings of water and the