Corrigé anales bac anglais lv1
Ces éléments de correction n’ont qu’une valeur indicative. Ils ne peuvent en aucun cas engager la responsabilité des autorités académiques, chaque jury est souverain.
Session 2009
Durée : 3 heures – Coefficient 4 L’usage du dictionnaire et des calculatrices est interdit.
Compréhension 14 points Expression
6 points
Vikas Swarup, Q & A, 2006
Corrigé Bac 2009 – Série L – LV1 Anglais – Métropole
Vous traiterez les questions dans l’ordre, en indiquant clairement leur numéro sur votre copie. Lorsque la réponse doit être développée, le nombre de mots ou d’éléments de réponse sera indiqué dans la question. En l’absence d’indications, vous répondrez brièvement à la question posée.
1. a) There are four main characters in this passage: the narrator, Salim, Armaan Ali and Urvashi Randhawa. Say whether they are present or only mentioned. Salim and the narrator are present. Armaan Ali and Urvashi Randhawa are both mentioned. 4 x 0,5 pts = 2 pts b) What are Salim’s, Armaan Ali’s and Urvashi Randhawa’s jobs? Salim works as a tiffin carrier / delivery man / boy. Armaan Ali is a film star and Urvashi Randhawa is a model. 3 x 1 pt = 3 pts c) What is Armaan Ali to Salim? He is Salim’s favourite star. 3 pts 2. a) “The most amazing thing has happened today.” (line 4) What does Salim refer to? He has seen his favourite star in the flesh / he tried to catch his attention. 4 pts b) What happened on that day was more important than his life and his job. Find two quotations justifying this statement. Line 11: “narrowly missing being run down by a car” 2 x 2 pts = 4 pts Line 16: “Salim forgot all about the tiffin.” Lines 17-18: “A customer of Grawli Tiffin Carriers went hungry that afternoon.” Accepter line 11: “He jumped down from the speeding vehicle” 3. What elements in Salim’s and Armaan’s lives