Chinese new year séquence
Séquence : Chinese new year
Compétence visée : Comprendre des consignes, des mots familiers, des expressions très courantes.
Séance 1 :
Obj : Connaître le nom des animaux à partir d’une vidéo en anglais.
- Ecoute de la vidéo (teaching)
What do you understand ?
We are going to talk about the Chinese New Year. It will be on the 3rd of February 2011.
Do you know which animal is it the year? It is the Rabbit Year.
- Nouvelle écoute de la video: (learning)
Listen and tell me what animal names can we listen?
(Possibilité d’arrêter la video après chaque nom d’animal)
Affichage des flashcards correspondant à chaque nom d’animal au tableau.
- Fixing: Ecriture d’un court texte et mots fléchés.
« The 3rd of February 2011, it is the Chinese New Year. »
Séance 2:
"I want to have the New Year named after me", said the tiger.
"Me too", said the rat.
"Me too", said the ox.
"Me too", said the rabbit.
"Me too", said the dragon.
"Me too", said the snake.
"Me too", said the horse.
"Me too", said the ram.
"Me too", said the monkey.
"Me too", said the rooster.
"Me too", said the dog.
'Me too", said the pig.
Point to the tiger as you say the word. Then say 'Me too said the ….' Point to the flashcard and get the pupils to say the name. Repeat a couple of times then point to the dragon and encourage pupils to say 'Me too' continue in this way.
1. Which animal are you?
• Revise numbers and the names of the animals and stick each flashcard on the board. • Introduce dates by saying and writing the dates as follows encouraging children to supply the date as they get used to how they are said, E.g. nineteen seventy two, two thousand and one etc.
|Rat: |1972 |1984