important and the most used method of communication today. All over t he world, telephones are being used extensively, whether in homes or i n offices. When it comes to office phone systems, the system is parti cularly designed so that any number of users can use and share the sam e telephone lines, rather than havi ng to use individual phones. Telep hone systems like these are specifi cally designed for use by several p eople in a single location, like co mpanies and large offices. Using t hese types of phone systems can mea n lesser expenses for businesses, s ince it is proven to be more cost-e ffective than using regular telepho ne systems. PBX – The PBX telephone system, or Private Branch Exchange, are phone systems which are designed specific ally for corporate use in offices. The main purpose of a private bran ch exchange system is to create a p rivate communication network among all those who use and share the ext ernal telephone lines. PBX systems are ideal for large and medium-siz ed companies and businesses. What
makes this phone system cost-effect ive is that users can now share a f ew external phone lines, as compare d to having all individual users ha ving their own external lines. Using a PBX phone system allows a p erson to communicate with