Sunday bloody sunday
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Watch this video and then try to answer the following questions:
0’25- Where is Bono? Who is he speaking to?
0’38 to 0’43 – Bono is talking about one of the most important event in Ireland’s history. What is it?.
0’44 to 0’47- What was the British’ reaction? Quote Bono’s sentence
0’49 to 1’15- Why did the Irish leave Ireland? Bono is giving 4 reasons:
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What are the H-Blocks he’s talking about? Look for more information on the internet
1’15 Describe what happened in the town of Eninskillen.
4’08 What does he want the Irish American to do?
4’38 Bono is using the expression “the glory of killing for the revolution”. What revolution is he talking about? Explain in your own words.
From 4’49, as far as this revolution is concerned he is giving three examples of actions Describe them
5’25 to 5’30 according to Bono did people agree with this revolution and the events happening in