Segmentation du chocolat
Fees per student, per term are 11,500 AED in a sharing room or 20,500 AED for a single room to cover a period of one term (discounted rates on full academic year bookings), in addition to a security deposit of 1,000 AED that is to be refunded at the end of the stay period, should no claims apply as per our policy. Due to limited spaces becoming available as we get closer to the new academic years' starting date, booking a place in The Halls is based on payment of a non-refundable booking deposit of 25% of one term's fees as soon as possible to ensure your place is booked, while the remaining amount would be due prior to joining The Halls. Fees can be paid either in full for one academic year or per term with no extra charges, while you can benefit from a currently applied discount of more than 25% as follows: Pay for the full academic year starting from 20,000 AED, in addition to a security deposit of 1,000 AED. This entitles you for a sharing room for 2 terms; saving 3,000 AED (36,000 AED for a single room; saving 5,000 AED) in addition to another saving of 4,000 AED by getting a free stay for the vacation period in between the terms (7,000 AED in case of single room for the same vacation period. Check The Halls new fee structure published on the website for full details). The free vacation period will also entitle the student to leave personal belonging behind and have the same room booked while on leave if