
300 mots 2 pages

SOS koutchi is an ambition for our group more than a simple project, we have worked on it with the constant hope to realise it as soon as we graduate from Ilcs School.

The objectif of SOS Koutchi consists on creating an agency with modernity and traditions aspect of koutchis in Marrakech, this wonderful city that attracts each year a great number of national and international tourists.

SOS Koutchi will provide the markets three kinds of services: Dora koutchi, VIP koutchi, and Ours koutchi. In addition to the innovative designs of the koutchis, our agency will be positioned in the marked owing to the variety of its contact methods, meaning that the clients will have the opportunity to reserve our services whether via a phone call or fax, internet, or by contacting directly the agency.

Sos koutchi’s segments are national, international tourists and the resident of Marrakech as well.

Meanwhile, In order to determine our clients segment, we have elaborated a questionnaire that allowed us to figure out the following data: the gender, our target age, the socio-professional target, and the geographic location of the potential clients.

SOS Koutchi has direct and indirect concurrent that will threaten our incomes, the direct concurrent are the Koutchis existing in the market, while the indirect concurrent are the touristy bus and the small train.

In order to promote our innovative services, the department of advertising has elaborated very attractive strategies, promotions and conceptions to reach a large number of customers.

SOS Koutchi is a new and creative idea that will be a concrete project one day despite obstacles and handicaps that represent barriers in front of the set up of our agency. However, our willingness and union are an extremely strong weapon that we carry against those

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