Nous en politique - lexicométrie
Louis Guespin Guespin Louis, . Nous, la langue et l'interaction. In: Mots, mars 1985 , N°10. Numéro spécial. Le ~~nous~~ politique.. pp. 45-62. Voir l'article en ligne NOUS, LANGUAGE AND VERBAL INTERACTION The pronoun nous (we/us) raises a problem for political text analysis, in that it is referentially ambigous ; on the other hand, it gives the analysts important information about the self-verbalization of the subject of enunciation and, consequently, about the type of text and speech act performed. Unlike je, which provides little, if any, sociolinguistic information, the combination of the subject of enunciation with other actors in a nous provides a great deal of information. Nous raises a problem for discourse analysis in that it allows various descriptive strategies : either the analyst aims to define classes of equivalence in which nous is present, or he prefers to resolve it by means of transformations, in which clauses are broken down into a number of subordinate clauses of which one will have je as the subject of enunciation, and the other or others the persons associated with je in the nous. A structural study of nous gives us an indication of the amount of freedom the norm permits. But speech practices, as observed in a study of a political corpus, go beyond this limited freedom and engage in verbal interaction. If we look at oral usage, nous tends to denote institutional contexts in which the speaker operates ; the oral variant on is prefer ed in a casual group, devoid of institutional legitimacy.
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