My dream destination
In the first time,I love this destination because the weather is always beautiful.The sun shines and there'are not a lot of cloud and i like it .
Given that there is a sea there are many activities nautical : the surfing, the dive, the bronzing, the bathing, all which reminds in holidays... I don’t appreciate this place because there‘s the sea and the landscape splandide .
It's also my dream destination because i love English culture and over there it is the mixture of culture that I estimate a lot..
I love highly-rated Americain with taxis, coffee has to take, pubs, big shops, the recent architecture,the fast-food ...
And i think the life is more pleasant .The people don't be stressfull they are cool ,they hanging out more than in France. I like this mentality .
The mixed of Aborigenes and of the exotic vegetation which makes of this place a dream destination.
When I went to Australia I really liked the big shopping mall of Manly with all these shops and its big gaming room. There is also a street of Manly where it is necessary to eat a fish and chips . And go to walking on beach where there are people who surf what is in the same time interesting and fascinating .
It’s for all these things that i love