Intervention de l'etat dans l'économie
Si tout est permis, comment différencier le bien du mal ? Un enfant à qui on a posé des limites n'en sera que plus libre au cours de sa vie adulte. En ayant apprit à respecter certaines règles, il saura profiter de sa liberté.
De là à tout interdire... évidement non! Ceux sont des parents et non des bourreaux. Les enfants doivent faire leurs expériences par eux même et apprendront de leur erreurs.
Je pense que tout permettre à un enfant n'est pas lui rendre service. Petits, nos parents font des choix pour nous, en grandissant ont devient libre de nos décisions. Notre liberté grandit à la mesure de notre maturité tout simplement.
Children always think that their parents don't give them enough freedom, I'm devided because children need prohibits, it serves as their benchmarks, but they are only useful if they are explained. It is necessary that the child understands why he can't do some things, otherwise he will have only one desire, to brave the prohibited.
If anything is allowed, how to differentiate the good and bad? A child to whom we have set limits will be even freer in his adult life. Having learned to follow certain rules, he will benefit his freedom.
From there to prohibit everything ... obviously not! Those are parents, not executioners. Children need to experiment by themselves and learn from their mistakes.
I think all allow a child is not doing him a service. Small, our parents make choices for us, growing up we become free of our decisions. Our freedom grows in the measure of our maturity