Gender pay gap
Situation in UE, country by country “The at-risk-of-poverty rate is 32% for single mothers and 21% for women over 65, compared to 16% of men over 65.” “In the UK, the Equality and Human Rights Commission has established a framework for equal pay reviews in public sector organisations. In some organisations historical or local reasons have allowed for flexibility, bonuses or other payments that tend to disadvantage women. An example can be found in the Environment Agency, which undertook a joint review of pay, and grading identified widespread discrimination. This resulted in an agreement for a new grading structure.” Case study UK “Paradoxalement, aux États-Unis comme en France les diplômés des MBA sont en grande partie des femmes (à 43 % pour les États-Unis6) mais 1,5 % des PDG sont des dirigeantes et au sein des 1500 plus grosses