Essay on endgame beckett
Life As a Cyclical Movement in Samuel Beckett's Endgame
In Samuel Beckett's “Endgame”, the author depicts four characters. They live in a little room with two windows which creates a feeling of enclosure. This oppression and “confinement” in an enclosed place explains that the characters cannot escape from their situation. They just can turn in round in this room in which they are forced to live. This kind of living has also consequences on their mind. It looks like they are just not able to finish a discussion. This way of living is a critic against the monotony and absurdity of life. It suggests the permanent come back to the same situation and the non-existence of an end or a beginning, in order to illustrate the cyclical movement of life. The interchanging of the beginning and the end suggests the fact that there is no ending point, in order to represent that every ending point is a starting point. Clov's first words in the play mention that something “[f]inished, it's finished, nearly finished, it must be nearly finished” (2473). The reader does not know what is finished, however there is already the juxtaposition between the terms of beginning and end. The play begins, but Clov wants something to be finished, to end. He speaks here about his situation. However, the graduation of the words he uses, in this sentence, suggests the non-existence of a certitude. If there was this certitude, it would mean an end in Clov's minds. But he shows his doubts by linking “finished” with “nearly” and “must be” that are respectively words of proximity and conditional form. These words represent his fear of ending something. “Endgame is premissed on a departure that never happens and an ending that is always close at hand but never entirely here”[1] (Mooney 47). He wishes to stay in this situation, because the end of something, even if it is close at hand, means the beginning of something else. So the characters live an