Commentaire d’anglais renforcé : a lesson before dying
The chapter 31 is the last chapter of a lesson before dying written by Ernest J.Gaines. It is the day Jefferson took his final breath. Our extract begins in the middle of the chapter when Grant leaves the children on their knees praying and goes outside. He knows “it was finally over “Jefferson got executed
We will try to figure out how it affects the people around him, especially Grant. Firstly, I will analyze Grants feelings and his behavior after “this event” and secondly, I will study Paul’s coming and how he tells the chronicle of the execution Grant is sitting under a tree and he is probably thinking about Jefferson Grant seems to be totally confused and lost. He asks himself why he’s sitting under THAT tree, a butterfly catches his attention and he looks at it carefully. Grant is thinking about Jefferson deep inside but he tries to escape reality by looking around him etc. Somehow we can imagine if this butterfly doesn’t remind him of Jefferson
The story begins “Yes I told myself it is finally over” Grant can’t stand still and walks, turns around him observes the trees, houses, Henri Pichot’s house, Miss Emma’s house, Here we can a feeling like he’s expecting somebody to come he is waiting for something, for somebody probably someone who will tell him IT IS OVER even if he knows it. “I knew it was over but I would wait until I heard from the court house” Grant seems to be nervous and mad inside but at least he know Jefferson rests in peace now.In this whole passage , we can see how feelings are expressed by his “look” “ I had looked” , “I watched it ( x4)” , “I looked up to look”, “I looked back” Once again we can see Grant is completely lost , he seems to be searching for something without knowing what. “ I was the only person in the road , just me and my gray car parked farther down the quarter” Grant suddenly decides to go back to class and walks next to miss Emma’s house, he looks like worried and