Location: Ho Chi Minh City, and active throughout the southern provinces of Vietnam.
What the aim is: It aims to reduce the pressure on Vietnam’s wildlife by helping to build local capacity to implement legislation, raise environmental awareness and develop alternatives to the unsustainable exploitation of Vietnam’s natural resources. WAR’s long-term goal is to develop a range of complementary and sustainable programmes that address these key conservation themes holistically. To date, the organization has focused on specific projects that address the most urgent priorities identified by its local partners. WAR welcomes the support of individuals and institutions in the fight to maintain our heritage in this region of the world. Don't stand back and leave the battle to others.
Give one example: Species surveys: Discover 12 new species of fresh water fishes for Vietnam - Wildlife At Risk (WAR) announces 12 new species of fresh water fish for Vietnam. These species were recorded during WAR’s surveys in Phu Quoc Island since the end of 2008. Wildlife At Risk (WAR) is dedicated to protecting the biodiversity of Vietnam by combating the illegal wildlife trade, raising environmental awareness and promoting the conservation of endangered species and their habitats.
What are the advantages? WAR is governed by the Trustee, Dominic Scriven, OBE, and is staffed by experienced international and Vietnamese professionals.
What can it achieve in terms of conservation? Discover new species, save some animals and rehabilitate them etc.
What are its disadvantages? Government policies may affect the way the organization is working negatively as it can create many