Definition - What does Microprocessor mean?
A microprocessor is a component that performs the instructions and tasks involved in computer processing. In a computer system, the microprocessor is the central unit that executes and manages the logical instructions passed to it.
A microprocessor may also be called a processor or central processing unit, but it is actually more advanced in terms of architectural design and is built over a silicon microchip.
Techopedia explains Microprocessor
A microprocessor is the most important unit within a computer system and is responsible for processing the unique set of instructions and processes. A microprocessor is designed to execute logical and computational tasks with typical operations such as addition/subtraction, interprocess and device communication, input/output management, etc. A microprocessor is composed of integrated circuits that hold thousands of transistors; exactly how many depends on its relative computing power.
Microprocessors are generally classified according to the number of instructions they can process within a given time, their clock speed measured in megahertz and the number of bits used per instruction.
La mémoire cache d’un ordinateur
Publié le vendredi 4 janvier 2013 à 06:17 // Anonyme
La mémoire cache est un espace de stockage temporaire utilisé pour améliorer les performances d'un ordinateur. Il existe différents types de mémoire cache sur un ordinateur, dont celles qui sont greffées sur les processeurs ou encore celles extraites à partir de l'espace disque ou la mémoire vive.
Présentation et rôle de la mémoire cache
La mémoire cache ou mémoire tampon est un espace mémoire rapide servant à stocker temporairement des informations ou des instructions. Sur un ordinateur, la mémoire cache est surtout associée au processeur du fait qu'elle lui permet de stocker ses instructions et ses données, en attendant de les traiter. Cette architecture procure un gain