L' écosanté, to improve the human health and to preserve the environment Research tasks completed by means of a step écosanté, step centered on the ecosystems and human health put of before by the CRDI in the years 1990, largely contributed to improve the health and wellbeing of people everywhere in the world. L' écosanté became, with the wire from the 15 last years, a field of research with whole share who has an influence and an incidence increasingly important in a growing number of country. L' economy of l' environment makes it possible to save lives, d' to save of l' money and to protect ecosystems Agroforestery: ancestral practice with the scientific discipline Urban agriculture: Rosario, in Argentina, collects the fruits of its efforts An increased knowledge and new research fields: To produce knowledge and to use them to improve the living conditions of the populations in the worldwide under development always were in the middle of the activities of the CRDI. This step gave rise to innovative research fields: the agroforestery, which makes it possible to improve the means of subsistence in rural environment; écosanté, which aims protecting the human health and at preserving the healthiness of the environment; environmental economics, which is used to support sustainable development; the urban agriculture, which contributes to nourish the inhabitants of cities to which gallops demography. They are-there only some of the many innovative steps of research which the CRDI supported during the four last decades. Share/Bookmark News (S) Urban agriculture: Rosario, in Argentina, collects the fruits of its efforts 2010-07 C' is by cultivating their own kitchen garden that thousands of families of the town of Rosario, in Argentina, managed to be nourished throughout the economic crisis which recently struck their country. The city counts aujourd' today more than 800 Community gardens which, in addition to nourishing some 40.000 people, produce surpluses intended for