The american hospital requisitonned to be consacred for research. The remedy is tested and would be marketed in few years.
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if your are fed up of your life on Earth, we have the solution: you can take up residence in Mars thanks to Harvel industry. The red planet receive this new project. You can buy your own home for only 300 000 $*. It offers all modern converniences with his amazing golf with 19 holes, swimming pool,
4ieme article:
A pregnant man ? Yes, it exists. At least, since last month in Australia, thanks to Linda Farwell, gynaecologist, tried, for a long time, to solve infertility problem.
« The implementation of an uterus male was the most difficult of the researches, she says pained »
The Futur man, the pregnant man will allow to give hope to couples where the woman is sterile.
Indeed, this new research allowed to 6 couples to overcome the infertility problem.
But this project has assumed a lot of criticism from the government who consider that