Anglais Brevet 2008 Corrig
Durée: 1h30, mardi 24.06.08
Air cadets are aged 13 to 18. Sarah, aged 16, joined them in the U.K., when she was 13.
"I joined the Air Cadets in Edinburgh because some of my friends were members and I thought it was fun. It's organized by the Royal Air Force, so we get to fly and also do militay training, like firing guns. We have a uniform: a skirt or trousers, a blue shirt and tie, a jumper and a beret. We meet twice a week for two and a half hours each time during the year. We also have summer camps where we fly in really cool planes and we also learn to pilot with an instructor. The first time I was very nervous, I worried I would crash the plane but it went fine and I really enjoyed it. We also fly gliders planes that have no engines. You sit in the front with the instructor behind. Once you are 16, you can train for your glider licence and fly on your own. There are about 30 people in our group and only 7 girls. But quite a few of my friends think it sounds cool, so I'm planning to take them along. I'm not sure if I'll go into the RAF. I really like flying but it's just an option."
Adapted from EASY GOING, September 2007
Ex 1:
De quel type de document s'agit-il?
a) Un témoignage
Ex 2:
Donnez le nom et l'âge du personnal principal.
Sarah, 16 ans
Ex 3:
Dans quel pays se passe l'action? Répondez en français et justifiez en citant le texte.
Ecosse: "I joined the Air Cadets in Edinburgh ".
4) Relisez les lignes 1 à 3 et répondez en français aux questions suivantes:
a) Le personnage principal appartient à un club. Quel est le nom de ce club?
Air Cadets.
b) Pour quelles raisons cette personne s'y est-elle inscrite? (deux réponses attendues)
Certains de ses amis étaient membres de ce club.
Elle pensait que ce club était amusant.
c) Quelles sont les deux activités principales que l'on peut pratiquer dans ce club?
Voler, et faire de l'entraînement militaire.
d) Quelle institution a créé ce