Social-desirability scale

1010 mots 5 pages
Self Assessment
Dare You Say What You Think? The Social-Desirability Scale
Do you say what you think, or do you tend to misrepresent your beliefs to earn the approval of others? Do you answer questions honestly, or do you say what you think other people want to hear? Telling others what we think they want to hear is making the socially desirable response. Falling prey to social desirability may cause us to distort our beliefs and experiences in interviews or on psychological tests. The bias toward responding in socially desirable directions is also a source of error in the case study, survey, and testing methods. You can complete the Social-Desirability Scale devised by Crowne and Marlowe to gain insight into whether you have a tendency to produce socially desirable responses. Directions: Read each item and decide whether it is true (T) or false (F) for you. Try to work rapidly and answer each question by clicking on the T or the F. Then click on Total Score to access the Scoring Key and interpret your answers. 1. T F Before voting I thoroughly investigate the qualifications of all the candidates. 2. T F I never hesitate to go out of my way to help someone in trouble. 3. T F It is sometimes hard for me to go on with my work if I am not encouraged. 4. T F I have never intensely disliked anyone. 5. T F On occasions I have had doubts about my ability to succeed in life. 6. T F I sometimes feel resentful when I don’t get my way. 7. T F I am always careful about my manner of dress. 8. T F My table manners at home are as good as when I eat out in a restaurant. 9. T F If I could get into a movie without paying and be sure I was not seen, I would probably do it. 10. T F On a few occasions, I have given up something because I thought too little of my ability. 11. T F I like to gossip at times. 12. T F There have been times when I felt like rebelling against people in authority even though I knew they were right. 13. T F No matter who I’m talking to, I’m always a good

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